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Consultation Forum for Khmer Rouge Survivors Over 55 Years Old
19th, March 2024
Article by: Ms. Daily Som

The consultation forum for individuals over 55 years old, organized by DC-Cam in collaboration with KV Tbong Khmum Hospital and coordinated by the Borei Svay Sen Chey district administration, concluded successfully after four days from March 19-22, 2024. The event brought together 200 survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime, providing them with a platform to share their experiences, receive support, and access healthcare services.

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Throughout the forum, participants engaged in discussions, attended informational sessions, and received medical consultations from healthcare professionals at KV Tbong Khmum Hospital. The event aimed to address the physical and psychological needs of survivors, offering them the opportunity to seek guidance and assistance in a supportive environment.

With a budget of 260,000 Riel, the forum was able to facilitate meaningful interactions, provide necessary medical care, and contribute to the overall well-being of the participants. The collaboration between DC-Cam, KV Tbong Khmum Hospital, and the Borei Svay Sen Chey district administration exemplifies a concerted effort to support and uplift survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime in their journey towards healing and reconciliation.

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